Does sex often affect conception? How often do you have sex during pregnancy?

In today’s many highly educated, high position, high-income young couples, the birth of a child is a matter of caution. On the one hand, children need good growth environment; on the other hand, children need healthy physical condition.

In order to give birth to a healthy, intelligent baby, many couples are preparing for pregnancy in advance. However, all the pregnant women still have to be put into practice, so if sexual intercourse is too frequent, will it affect the conception?

Does sex often affect conception? How often do you have sex during pregnancy?1

Does sex often affect conception?

First, frequent sexual life, whether it will affect pregnancy?

From a scientific point of view, neither sexual life nor frequency is conducive to conception. Sex is too small, the sperm storage time is too long, most of the aging, so that the activity is not strong; the life time of a frequency, the man can not produce enough high quality of semen and sperm and semen dilution, a small number of sperm, low vigor, is not conducive to pregnancy.

Therefore, we mean that abstinence and daily sexual life are not suitable for pregnant couples.

Two. How long is it necessary for women to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy?

Young couples during pregnancy, sexual desire can be separated by one or two days of the same room, a more appropriate, and older, intends to have a second child, the husband and wife can choose the time according to their own energy.

It should be noted that in ovulation, the possibility of the same room pregnancy, can be 3-5 days before ovulation abstinence. Ovulation period, and then every other day, the same family, so that can effectively improve the chances of conception.

Three, couples pregnant care matters needing attention

1., reduce caffeine intake before pregnancy

Coffee, cocoa, tea, chocolate, and cola drinks contain caffeine. Men drink caffeinated beverages, will kill sperm, affecting reproductive ability, if the injured sperm and eggs combined, may lead to fetal malformation or congenital deficiency. Long term consumption of women is prone to infertility. Therefore, in order to eugenics, prospective parents away from the best coffee cola beverage.

2., before pregnancy to do a comprehensive physical examination

Two couples must go to the hospital for a physical examination, not only to check the current state of health, but also to let the doctor know in advance the history of the disease or genetic history, as a basis for the development of pregnancy program. If an abnormality is detected or the result of the test is abnormal, the treatment must be carried out immediately before conception is cured.

Does sex often affect conception? How often do you have sex during pregnancy?2

Does sex often affect conception?

3. take folic acid 3 months before pregnancy

Folic acid is the embryonic nervous system development important nutritional element, the female body once deficiency, may cause anencephaly, spina bifida, encephalocele malformation etc..

Since folic acid is expected to reach the body’s level for about two months in the body, women should begin to consume enough folic acid 3 months before conception.

4., 3-6 months before pregnancy, quit smoking and drinking

Alcohol can enter the fetal blood through the placenta, resulting in intrauterine fetal dysplasia, abnormal development of the central nervous system, mental retardation, known as alcoholism syndrome. Therefore, 3 months before the pregnancy, the couple will stop smoking and drinking, so that the nicotine and alcohol levels in the body are zero in the blood.

5. proper exercise before pregnancy

Plan before pregnancy, the woman should first adjust the body, so that during pregnancy and lactation will always keep the body in the best condition, the task of fetus, fetal education bear rearing, for pregnancy, childbirth physical consumption. In order to increase sperm motility, the man’s exercise is equally important.

For women, the strength is small, endurance is relatively poor, but flexibility and flexibility are strong, so it is better to choose aerobics, swimming, jogging, yoga, mountaineering, dancing and other physical requirements of the lower movement. Exercise to step by step, perseverance, 15 minutes a day, persist for more than 2 months, and gradually strengthen the physique.

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